Join us in Winnipeg!
Thursday, Sept. 26 - Saturday, Sept. 28

Are you involved in writing, editing, marketing, fundraising, videography, podcasting, graphic design or other communications work? Would you like to meet Christian professionals in these fields? Then the Canadian Christian Communicators Association (formerly the Canadian Church Press) is inviting you to join us in Winnipeg from September 26-28.

For Friday and Saturday's workshops, we will gather at The Meeting Place downtown and accommodations will be available at the Alt Hotel for those travelling from out of town.

Our conference theme is Meet in the Middle and our workshops will include sessions on overcoming polarization, staying human in the AI age, the disapearance of religion from the public sphere and healthy habits for writers. 


Conference program:

More workshop info will be added in the coming weeks

Thursday, Sept. 26

Friday, Sept. 27

  • 8:30-9:30 a.m. - Breakfast at local restaurant, then head over to The Meeting Place Church 
  • 9:45-10:45 - Workshop 1 with Q&A - Michael Higgins by video

    It is hard to witness in a closet (excerpt from a recent Michael Higgins blog)
    Religion continues its relentless disappearing act on the national scene surfacing only when dangerous scrabbles and rumbles between competing diasporic communities generate alarm.  The understanding of religion as a ligament that holds society together is positively archaic for most and public broadcasting has practically erased the religious presence in the country.  CBC and Radio Canada have over the last couple of decades eliminated such programs as Man Alive, Second Regard, Meeting Place, Celebration, Testament, OpenCircuit and most recently, Tapestry. Enrollments in theology and religious studies have in many institutions precipitously declined and in other cases barely stabled following programme renaming, curriculum revamping, and spastic bouts of hyper-marketing. . .
    Creative, bold and temerarious theologians can reset this cultural reality; they need to because all of us are diminished when religion and the study of religion are consigned to the closet.

  • 10:45-11:00 - Coffee break 
  • 11:00-12:00 - Workshop 2 with Q & A - John Longhurst & Paul Samyn (Winnipeg Free Press)
  • 12-1:45 - Lunch & Announcement of Life-time Achievement Award winner
  • 2:00-3:00 - Workshop 3 with Q & A - Artificial Intelligence with Mike Duerksen (Build Good)
  • 3-3:15 - Coffee break 
  • 3:15-4:15 - Workshop 4 with Q&A - Habits for productive writing life Patricia Paddey & Karen Stiller

    Habits that lead to a healthy, productive writing life
    Patricia Paddey and Karen Stiller will offer insights and suggestions on how to build and maintain a healthy and productive writing life, learned from decades of experience as Canadian writers for both Christian and mainstream markets. The authors of the 2019 book Craft, Cost & Call: How to Build a Life as a Christian Writer will leave participants with practical tools of the trade as well as exploring wellness for writers at all stages of their writing journey. Foundational to a healthy writing life is learning from other writers, so you will be welcomed to share and contribute to a lively, interactive discussion.  

  • 4:15-5:30 - Optional activity / free time / self-care
  • 5:45-6:45 - Supper at local restaurant  
  • 7:00 - Optional activity / social / music performance / Blue Bombers vs Edmonton CFL game kicks of at 7 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 28

  • 8:30-9:30 a.m. - Breakfast at local restaurant & CCCA AGM
  • 10:00-11:00 - Workshop 5 with Q&A - TBD
  • 11-11:15 - Coffee break
  • 11:15-12:15 - Workshop 6 with Q & A - Murray Stiller

    Is it Unethical to Avoid Evil? 
    Evil is popular in media because it is sensational, taking conflict to an extreme. But what are the ethical implications behind creating media that focuses on evil? Should we avoid the topic because it makes us uncomfortable? How do we use philosophical and Christian values to frame stories about evil? What is our obligation as Christian artists and journalists? 
    Murray Stiller is Canadian filmmaker and professor with 25 years of experience in the film industry and working at universities. He currently teaches media production at Redeemer University in Hamilton, commuting from his home outside of Vancouver. Murray’s company, Toolkit Media and Education, helps Christian universities develop and deliver media BA and MA degrees. 
  • 12:30-1:30 0 - lunch at local restaurant and goodbyes

Staying longer? There is on Sunday afternoon you can join or cheer on one of our own. On Saturday afternoon there is a free outdoor choral festival until 4 p.m. The Human Rights Museum is open 10-5 daily (except Mondays). Sunday 2 p.m. you can hear pianist Richard Hamelin.

Register now

Register and pay before Sept. 1 to get an early bird discount


Info from last year's retreat can be viewed here, and some videos are here.